The Importance of Internal Communication
A little communication may be all that needed to help employees get the most out of their benefits. For the typical employer, employee benefits can easily represent 40% of total compensation costs. Yet, employees continue to undervalue and misunderstand their benefit packages. Research shows that better internal employee communication can result in a significant improvement in utilization and effectiveness of an existing benefits plan. But, it’s more than just putting words on paper. The characteristics of the workplace and the workforce need to be considered because the response to different types of information can vary widely. Employers and employee should work together to find a medium that best presents information that employees will understand and that is in a style that will help boost morale and loyalty.

Financial Literacy Is In the Spotlight These Days

Millions of Americans realize they need to know more about preparing for their financial future. More and more, employers are also realizing they can play an important roll in helping their employees take charge of the financial lives. People need to be educated about their personal financial well-being, yet many don’t know where to begin. Workshops and seminars presented by knowledgeable financial professionals can be a convenient, and non-threatening, way for employees to participate in a valuable educational experience. With nominal cost to the employer, the result is more successful employees.

Healthy Employees Can Make Difference Between Profit and Loss
Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury, burdening businesses with loss of productivity and increased benefit costs. Initiating wellness programs within the company can improve employees’ health by changing behaviors through education, incentives and prevention. While large corporations can implement wellness programs and facilities, until now, small businesses suffered from a lack of resources to provide preventative measures to their employees. But, thanks to the Internet and local wellness consultants, any sized business can assess the health risks facing their employees and find help in creating solutions that fit their organization. “Lunch and learn” programs are often available from local health care experts. Providing employees with incentives to encourage attendance at Health Fairs and Seminars can be a fun way for employees to receive valuable nutrition and job stress reducing information. Check with local fitness centers and spas for discounts that may be available to employee groups.